Previously we introduced the idea of a ‘Life Vision’ and why it’s essential to have one. We even went over a few questions that you should ask yourself (and answer) before you can define your life’s vision.
If you have not read Part 1 yet, I highly recommend going through and answering those questions first!
Remember, it’s alright if you aren’t sure about how to answer everything. Do the best you can – the answers might change as you begin to open yourself up to new experiences and change your way of thinking.
Using your questions answered from last week, let’s get into the four-step process for creating your new life’s vision!
Step 1: Figure out what matters to you in your life.
Use last week’s questions to help you better understand what those things are. Knowing what you would like to contribute to the world and the kinds of people you wish to surround yourself with should give you a good idea about what matters most to you.
As an example, you may have determined that you want to be surrounded by highly motivated and career-driven people. Think about where you work; do your colleagues fit that description? Are they unenthusiastic? Do they provide energy or take it from you?
Perhaps career advancement or devotion to your chosen craft is more important than you realize.
Maybe you realize that devoting more time to your family is important, yet you find yourself working a job that takes a disproportionate amount of your time away from your spouse or children. Is climbing that corporate ladder at all costs worth compromising your values?
Although your values may align with family, your chosen career is inhibiting you from living the life you want to live.
This exercise is about honesty – asking difficult questions and perhaps receiving some hard answers in return.
Identify as many of these things in life that are important to you and WRITE THEM DOWN!
Career advancement, personal freedom, devotion to a cause, time with family, or financial achievement are just some of many examples that you may identify.
Step 2: Identify the life categories that are most important to you
Use your answers in step 1 to discover overall themes and categorize them in an easily referenced list. Below is just an example of how your list might look.
- Wealth
- Relationships
- Health
- New Experiences
- New Skills
Any way that you choose to approach this list is the correct way – it’s about identifying what’s important to you and figuring out what you need to do to achieve success in these categories.
Step 3: List ways that you can achieve success in each category
For each category, write a few things that you think will get you closer to fulfilling that category. These should be as well defined and measurable as possible so keep that in mind! Using our example list from the previous step our list might look like this.
Wealth – (Career change, self-employment, financial freedom)
Relationships – (Time with your spouse, cultivating family cohesiveness, strengthening business partnerships)
Health – (Weight training routine, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, walking/running)
Experiences – (Travel, self-enrichment, change of environment)
Skills – (Enrolling in courses, learning a new career skill set, learning to cook)
Step 4: Craft a statement that describes your overall ideal life
With all of the information that you’ve now put together, it’s time to do what we all came here to do – write down your vision statement!
Review your categories and all the things that you must do to be successful in fulfilling each one. Look for unifying themes to the best of your ability. Write down a statement that captures the spirit of as many of your categories as possible.
It can be a short statement of just one or two sentences like Oprah Winfrey: “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”
Or it can be much, much longer.
The idea is to simplify this statement to the best of your ability so that it is clear, concise, and easily remembered.
You want to be able to recite and remember this statement wherever you encounter decisions about where to go in your life. Opportunities that go against your vision statement should be avoided regardless of how enticing they may seem in the moment.
Revisit, revise, and repeat
Revisiting and revising your life’s vision is extremely important!
What matters to you now may change in the coming years – and that’s alright!
Come back to your vision statement periodically, make it part of your enrichment schedule that these categories and goals are updated.
Without a clear definition of what matters to you, you are prone to the whims and demands of others without a clear way to improve your situation.
This may be one of the most important things that you ever do for yourself!
Healing Arts Institute provides a variety of services that includes life coaching from certified mental health professionals. Don’t leave your life’s ambitions in the hands of unlicensed “life coaches.”
Scuderi, R. (2021, April 19). The Best Way to Create a Vision for the Life You Want. Lifehack.
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